MONDAY, Sept 14

Go here and watch the video on Lecture 8 – Inverse Kinematics with Duik Tools

I am switching the calendar days here. We will make blog comments on WEDNESDAY, Sept 16 instead of today like it says on the calendar. See below for details. The Duik tutorial above elaborates on the in zoom demo we did during the last class. Creating the puppet and rigging it has a learning curve but is very much worth it as then animating is very easy. If you try this and run into problems, let’s connect and I can help you rig it. The AE and Skeleton files are online at the Resources topic at ASUlearn. 

Hopefully you have chosen a tutorial from online that goes beyond the basic skill sets you learned in Project 1 and have a defense for the technique conceptually for the next project – Personal Interstitial. Complete the tutorial and Post your quicktime movie of the results on your blog along with appropriate comments regarding your process. 

Schedule an individual appointment with Ed this week STARTING TUESDAY, SEPT 15. I have other commitments all day Monday. 

*NOTE- The Blog says this was due Monday. The dates have been switched. 


By Class time have your tutorial posted on your blog. Post your Quicktime movie of the finished tutorial and also the link to the original tutorial. Make a comment about why you chose this tutorial for your Personal Interstitial. 

THEN – make comments on the four people whose names follows yours on the Course Process Blogs. Lets have 100% particiapation this time folks, not only is it a part of your final grade, but it’s also inherently unfair to your peers to not comment on their work after they comments on yours. Think about concept. 

Make sure you have made an individual appointment to meet with Ed sometime this week to talk about your process. Try to have work on the blog for our meetings. Email me at any time with any questions or problems you may encounter.